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General terms and conditions Speeltuinvereniging UJ Klaren


Association with full legal capacity Speeltuinvereniging UJ Klaren, with its registered office in Amsterdam, is an association for and by the users of playground UJ Klaren. The playground is located in the Tweede Weteringplantsoen, near the Weteringcircuit, founded in 1880 by Nicolaas Tetterode (1816-1894) and thus the oldest playground in Amsterdam. The playground is named after Uilke Jans Klaren (1852 – 1947) who championed the creation of playgrounds from the working class so that children from the working-class neighborhoods had the opportunity to play in playgrounds instead of on the street. Klaren's idea was that he let the management and activities of the playground association be carried out by the local residents themselves (as volunteers); an association of which the parents were members. This idea of UJ Klaren is still the idea behind the playground association.


Contribution and membership:
– To be a member of the playground association, you must be at least 12 years old.
– registration takes place via the website under the heading "Become a member" and transferring the contribution via the payment link in the annual mailing (or by crediting the account number of the association).
– The annual contribution for our members is 17.50 euros per year (2022). 


Access and risk
The playground is owned by the municipality of Amsterdam and open to the public. Use of the playground is at your own risk. The playground association does not own any equipment or material and does not accept any liability for loss of belongings, damage or injury caused in the playground or during an activity organized by the playground association. 
Activities organized by the playground association are in principle accessible to everyone unless it is expressly stated that it concerns a members meeting.


This is an informal translation of the Dutch version of these general terms and conditions. The Dutch version of the general conditions apply.


Playground association UJ Klaren
Second Weteringplantso 10
1017 ZD Amsterdam
Chamber of Commerce    40535351
RSIN    816612213

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